Gemeinsam finden wir ihr individuelles Festprogramm

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- Tonight, West Side Story, L.Bernstein
- I feel pretty, West Side Story, L.Bernstein
- One hand, one heart, West Side Story, L.Bernstein
- Summertime, Porgy and Bess, G.Gershwin
- Moon river, Breakfast at Tiffany’s“, H.Mancini
- Annies song, John Denver
- Time to say good bye, Francesco Sartori
- Art is calling for me (Primadonna Song), Enchantress,V.Herbert
- I could have danced all night, My fair lady, F.Loewe
- Good morning starshine, Hair, Galt Mac Dermot
- The rose
- Halleluja, Shrek
- I`m reaching out for you
- Dream a little dream of me
- I will always love you, Bodyguard
- My heart will go on, Titanic
- „Think of me“, The Phantom of the Opera
- „Angel of music“, The Phantom of the Opera
- „The Phantom of the Opera“, The Phantom of the Opera
- „All I ask of you“, The Phantom of the Opera
- „Wishing you were somehow here again“, The Phantom of the Opera
- „Ich fühl wie du“, Tabaluga
- „Sag es laut, dass du mich liebst“, Xavier Naidoo
- Für dich schiebe ich die Wolken weiter, Y.Catterfeld
- und viele mehr